Purpose of Lean Six Sigma Pakistan

The Lean Six Sigma Pakistan is an independent body that aims to provide global insights regarding lean six sigma while housing the training, consulting, and discussion forum for lean six sigma professionals in Pakistan. 

Apart from providing the best insults of the lane six Sigma application in the diversified sector, the link Sigma blog review and recommend the best training and reading material for the global professionals. 

It is a high time for Pakistan to embrace the powerful methodology of linking Sigma in the private and public sector so that it can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the concerned  organizational value stream 

We are soon coming up with a powerful discussion forum where the key insights from different professionals all around the world will be shared for scaling the momentum of then six Sigma in Pakistan and other countries of the world 

Moreover, our website will have an advertisement section as well which will give an opportunity to link Sigma training and consulting professionals in Pakistan and around the world to showcase their best expertise to their end audience under one roof 

As this is a complete not for profit initiative, all the proceedings will directly go in issuing the scholarships and scaling the momentum of Lean Six Sigma in Pakistan 

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